Playbooks – Live Call Monitoring Update

XANT is excited to announce the Live Call Monitoring feature for the sales cadence software Playbooks and a number of user experience improvements. Thousands of sales representatives rely on Playbooks to keep track of their sales strategies and monitor their results and sales effectiveness. Sales managers can use Playbooks to coach their sales reps during live calls with prospects.

Live Call Monitoring

Playbooks makes it easy for Sales Managers to provide real-time coaching and feedback to reps directly through the phone using the new Live Call Monitoring tool. Using Call Monitoring, managers can listen in on live calls, coach reps behind the scenes via call whispers, or become an active party on the call by using the barge feature.

Using Call Monitoring:

  1. Launch the Playbooks Manager web-app and click the “Call Monitoring” tab
  2. Ensure you enter your phone number in Call Monitor settings (the gear next to search)
  3. Click Join Call next to a rep who is actively on a call, select a monitoring action
  4. Playbooks will call you at the number you entered in Call Monitor Settings to begin monitoring
  5. Managers can switch between Listen, Whisper, and Barge as needed.

live call monitoring sales calls training

Playbooks Icon on List View Records (Salesforce Only)

This update also makes it easier to see prospects enrolled in Playbooks, and more easily open and import contacts. We’ve added a new Playbooks icon to list views on leads and contacts in Salesforce. You can click the icon to view a record in Playbooks, or to import a record into Playbooks.

Improved Voicemail Experience

Recording a new pre-recorded voicemail message for a call is also easier than ever. Playbooks walks reps through each step of recording and saving the message. You can try the new experience by going to Settings, Click Phone, and then click “+ New Voicemail”.

Improved Call Logging Experience

Call logging is also up a level –  it’s incredibly easy for reps to remember to log their calls. When you end a call, the call log will now pop-up on the screen, disabling other buttons and functions in Playbooks. Once a call has been successfully logged to the CRM, Playbooks will become active again.

Other Product Improvements:

  • Added Pre-Recorded Voicemail support for Ad-Hoc & Click-to-Call calls.
  • Added a Test Send button for email templates.
  • Minor product improvements that effect user experience

We’re incredibly proud of this update as a strong way to start our New Year, honoring our commitment for excellent customer experience and innovative, reliable products.

If you’re looking to see what AI-powered sales technology can do for you and your business, give us a call (888-297-3009)!

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