Increase Lead Management Through The CLOSER Model

As professionals within the inside sales industry, we understand how to sell a product. But, every salesman can use improvement in one area or another of their technique. For example, I believe that selling a product is something that few understand – including salespeople. Here’s why. Most would say if a cold call results in a “not interested,” it’s more productive to move onto the next call. We’ve all heard this before and it even seems logical – why waste your time? Past experience has proven that keeping in touch with those “not interesteds” can often result in transforming them into a “maybe,” or, even better, a “yes.”

This increase in productivity and effectiveness is accomplished through a simple technique called the C.L.O.S.E.R. model.

C — Campaign
L — Leads or List
O — Offer
S — Skill
E — Effort
R — Reporting

The Campaign is the overall strategy and tactics used to accomplish goals.

The Leads or List is a selected group of companies or leads fitting a specific targeted audience.

The Offer is a deal targeted at decision makers to increase the likelihood of predicting positive behavior results.

Skill is the ability to sell a product well and know the ins and outs of it.

The Effort is the amount of work you are willing to put in to accomplish your goals. The results of these efforts were substantial.  By simply designing a powerful strategy, the increased number of positive impressions is extensive.

Reporting requires you to ask the right questions to determine how successful your efforts have been.

If done well, all strategic efforts of permission marketing from targeted leads create impression marketing. By simply finding a way to reach the targeted audience in a trustworthy and credible way, you dramatically increase the likelihood of turning that “maybe” into an unobstructed “yes.”

Author: Ken Krogue |
Summary of Ken Krogue’s Forbes articles

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